LEM company, sensors and solutions - Contact us

We are always happy to answer queries or enquiries regarding our company, products and services. Please contact our regional sales team or use our contact form to get in touch with us.
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How can we help you?


Contact LEM for Expert Assistance

Have questions or need assistance with LEM products or services? Our dedicated customer support service is here to help.

Use our contact page to reach out to LEM directly. Whether you prefer sending an email, calling us, or even visiting us in person at our headquarters, LEM International, located at 152 Route du Nant-d’Avril, 1217 Meyrin in Switzerland, our team is ready to assist you.

Global Presence, Local Support

With offices and a vast network of distributors worldwide, LEM is accessible in numerous countries. Our global presence ensures that you can easily connect with a local representative for personalized support and quick responses. For your convenience, find the contact details of our offices and distributors on our website.

At LEM, we value your satisfaction and are committed to providing excellent service. Contact us today, and let us help you with any inquiries or support you may need.