In many industrial applications, highly-precise current measurement is key to equipment performance. Minor inaccuracies can cause major problems. Whether for medical equipment or other industrial applications, LEM transducers set the standard for current measurement accuracy and are the most precise industrial products on the market today.
The quality of the image provided by MRI scanners is directly linked to current measurement accuracy and, therefore, to the current sensor performance. If the transducer is not precise enough this will lead to a blurred and illegible image. LEM high-precision sensors are used for these MRI scanners and other medical equipment requiring faultless power control.
LEM has been the leader for years in producing ultra-precise and cost-competitive current sensors for both traditional and high-performance industrial equipment testing. They provide levels of stability and precision, in the parts per million (PPMs) of the nominal magnitude, which makes them references in calibration test benches and recognized laboratories.
LEM’s products and processes comply with reference standards in the industry:
• CE marking of Lem transducers in recognition of their electromagnetic compatibility
• IEC standards for high-precision based applications:
- IEC 61010-1 & IEC 61010-2-030 for safety
- IEC 61000-6-2 & IEC 61000-6-3 or IEC 61326-1 for EMC
• RoHS compliant
• ISO TS 16949 certification of all production and development centers (Switzerland and China)
Based on our deep knowledge of applications and current measurement technologies, LEM develops both catalog and customized products which can be perfectly tailored to meet your needs in terms of performance, space requirement and cost.
High Precision brochure | High precision |
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