About LEM Company

LEM is the market leader in providing innovative and high quality solutions for measuring electrical parameters. Its core products - current and voltage transducers - are used in a broad range of applications in drives & welding, renewable energies & power supplies, traction, high precision, conventional and green cars businesses. 

LEM’s strategy is to exploit the intrinsic strengths of its core business, and to develop opportunities in existing and new markets with new applications. It has production plants in Beijing (China), Geneva (Switzerland), Sofia (Bulgaria), Tokyo (Japan) and Penang (Malaysia). With regional sales offices near its customers’ locations, the company is able to offer a seamless service around the globe. LEM has been listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange since 1986; the company’s ticker symbol is LEHN.

Welcome to LEM, a pioneering current sensor manufacturer at the forefront of technological innovation. Headquartered in Switzerland, LEM International serves as the hub for the LEM Group, leveraging our global presence with offices strategically located: LEM Europe GmbH, LEM USA Inc., LEM Electronics (China), LEM Japan KK and many more. 

LEM worldwide presence


As a leading current transducer manufacturer, we are proud to be a part of the LEM Group, contributing to its legacy of precision and excellence.

At LEM, we transcend boundaries, uniting cutting-edge technology with a commitment to sustainability. Our role extends beyond manufacturing exceptional LEM sensors; we are stewards of a vision that spans continents. With a strong foothold in Switzerland, our international reach reflects our dedication to meeting the diverse needs of clients worldwide.

Navigating the dynamic currents of the market, LEM Holding stands as a pillar of strength, managing investor relations with transparency and integrity. We believe in fostering lasting partnerships and are dedicated to providing the most reliable and innovative current sensing solutions. 

Join us on this global journey as we redefine possibilities, one sensor at a time.

About LEM

LEM | Life Energy Motion

LEM is a focused manufacturer and global market leader in producing high-quality transducers for measuring electrical parameters.

A wide range of applications

LEM has the strongest brand recognition in the markets it covers and its products are used in a broad range of applications. Starting with products for locomotives in the seventies, LEM expanded into a vast area of industrial applications, including the following:

  • variable speed drives for motors
  • power supplies for industrial applications
  • AC/DC converters
  • uninterrupted power supply systems for computers
  • new innovative energy applications (microturbines , wind and solar power generation)
  • automotive applications (battery management, start/stop applications for conventional cars and electrical motor controls, battery pack management and embedded chargers for green cars)

Adaptation to clients’ evolving needs

All these applications show LEM’s ability to adapt to rapidly changing industrial trends, such as miniaturization, higher performance levels and a greater degree of application, integration and complexity.

LEM's strategy is to increase its technology leadership, efficiency and production flexibility. At the same time, LEM is committed to maintaining customer focus and operational excellence by running cost-effective and service-oriented production platforms.

LEM is a global organization with production plants in Beijing (China), Geneva (Switzerland), Tokyo (Japan), Sofia (Bulgaria) and in Penang (Malaysia). The Company has sales offices close to its main clients' locations and offers seamless service around the globe.






Andreas HürlimannBoard committee member icon Board chairman icon
François GabellaBoard chairman icon  
Werner C. WeberBoard chairman icon Board chairman icon
Ueli Wampfler Board committee member icon 
Ulrich J. Looser Board chairman iconBoard committee member icon


board committee icons legend



LEM Executive committee members


From left to right:


LEM's Core Values

It is vital for all of LEM to share common values and working principles. All employees understand what LEM wants to achieve so that everyone works together for the same purpose. These values link all LEM employees together and make us a team. They are the common beliefs we share. They are the spirit and intent of everything we do at LEM.

We are customer driven

We succeed by exceeding our customer expectations with a “yes customer” attitude. All our activities are driven by the desire to provide best quality service. We aim to listen, anticipate and respond to our customers’ needs. For this reason, we collaborate closely with them and form true relationships.

We operate with integrity

Basic ethical behavior and integrity in business relationships determine the essence of all our actions. As a company and as individuals, we do the right things right and never compromise our values and principles. We honor our agreements and are transparent in our communications. Our relationships with co-workers, customers, suppliers, partners and the investor community are based on openness and fairness.

We value teamwork

LEM forms a worldwide community. Close collaboration and networking across functions, departments and cultures is critical for the success of the company. We nurture relationships based on sharing, honesty and trust. Accountability is a key factor to our success. We are committed to a workplace where individuals are treated fairly and with respect, where all employees have the opportunity to expand their skills and accomplishments are recognized. Teamwork is more than just working together it is bringing out the best of everyone’s strengths.

We commit

We set our goals high because we know we can reach them. We honor these goals as promises to our customers, our shareholders and ourselves. Our continued success depends on taking responsibility for all our actions. This success is measured by the results we produce in customer satisfaction, sales, profitability, value creation to our shareholders and employee development.

We strive for excellence

No matter how good our products, services, process and results, we are dedicated to making them better. Our customers deserve nothing less than the highest standards of quality. By approaching our daily work with a passion for perfection, rigorously managing risks, taking initiatives, fostering learning and knowledge sharing, we can all make a difference.

We lead innovation

Innovation is the cornerstone of our success and our future depends on it. By thinking out of the box, we adapt to tomorrow’s requirements. We develop a steady supply of innovative technologies, attractive products, new applications and customers. True to our innovative spirit, we aim to be the leaders in our industry and not the followers.


At LEM we help our customers and society accelerate the transition to a sustainable future.

We go beyond being a leading current and voltage sensors manufacturer; we are dedicated to helping our customers and society propel the transition to a sustainable future.

It's not just a part of what we do; it's a fundamental aspect woven into the fabric of our organization.

We continually enhance our internal capabilities and spearhead sustainability initiatives, ensuring transparent reporting on our progress.

We firmly believe that sustainable and ethical practices aren't just noble aspirations—they are integral to creating long-term value for all key stakeholders in society.

This commitment not only ensures the longevity of businesses but also drives the development of intelligent solutions that inspire us and others to strive for better.

Our success is not merely measured in technological advancements; it's deeply rooted in operating within a clear value system, adhering to best practice principles and standards, and closely monitoring Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

ESG – Environmental, Social and corporate Governance

Recognizing the pivotal role of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) performance in shaping our sustainable journey, LEM is dedicated to keeping a meticulous score of our efforts. Our ambition is not only to meet but to continually exceed expectations, fostering the development of internal capabilities and robust sustainability initiatives. 


ESG environment icon

At LEM, our commitment to environmental sustainability is deeply ingrained in our practices, and we meticulously measure our environmental footprint through key performance indicators (KPIs). These KPIs include the emissions of greenhouse gases (GhG) in CO2 equivalents, total GhG emissions per CHF generated, and total direct energy usage per FTE (see our annual report). Additionally, our continuous adherence to ISO 14001 ensures that environmental management is an integral part of our operations.


Underlining our dedication to climate responsibility, our senior management team is actively involved in climate-related matters and even incentivised on CO2 reduction, ensuring that environmental considerations are not just met but are integral to our decision-making processes.


ESG social iconThe social dimension of our ESG commitment at LEM revolves around fostering a workplace culture that upholds human rights, equality, and professional development. We consider it our duty to ensure that all our activities align with the principles of human rights, creating an environment where every individual feels respected, valued, and empowered. Our aim is to cultivate a workplace where employees can unleash their creativity, innovation, and personal talents while feeling safe and supported.


ESG governance iconAt LEM, the governance aspect of our ESG commitment is founded on a bedrock of ethics that permeates every facet of our corporate practices. Our Code of Conduct (CoC) serves as the guiding compass, ensuring that our values are universally understood across diverse sites, cultures, and positions within the organization. We attach great importance to ethical behavior, and to reinforce this commitment, each employee is required to sign the CoC upon arrival, symbolizing their alignment with our core principles.


Find below more information about LEM Policies:

Sustainability Report

LEM is proud to share its sustainability report:

Our Sustainability ratings

ecovadis sustainability rating LEM


LEM has achieved the Bronze ranking from EcoVadis, positioning us among the top 35% of global companied in terms of stainability performance (June 2024).

CDP sustainability rating LEM


In 2023, more than 25,000 global organizations shared data via CDP, including over 23,000 companies - which comprise two-thirds of the world's market capitalization - along with over 1,100 cities, states, and regions.

morningstar sustainalytics sustainability rating LEM

Morningstar Sustainalytics
ESG Risk Rating – 13% (Low)

Morningstar sustainalytics provides analytical ESG 2023 research, ratings and data to institutional investors and companies.


Code of conduct

The LEM Code of Conduct outlines the behavior LEM expects from every stakeholder around the world:

  • Employees, including temporary workers & managers.
  • Business partners, including suppliers, subcontractors, consultants, distributors, agents and other third parties.

LEM employees and stakeholders apply these business principles to their daily work and behaviors by providing customers with high-quality products but also by doing things right. This means, abiding by applicable laws, acting honorably and treating each other with respect.

LEM Code of Conduct


Whistleblowing plays a crucial role in upholding transparency and ethical conduct. 

At LEM, we recognize that fostering an environment where employees, suppliers, and partners feel empowered to raise concerns is essential to maintaining our commitment to integrity and ethical business practices. Our whistleblowing mechanism provides a secure and confidential channel for individuals to report any perceived violations of our Code of Conduct or ethical standards.

Notify us of suspected or actual breaches of laws or company policies, whether within LEM or our supply chain, and regardless of whether you are an employee of LEM.

We will offer feedback while safeguarding the confidentiality of everyone involved, shielding you from mistreatment or retaliation, and handling your report with the utmost confidentiality.

Your assistance aids us in ensuring ethical behavior and uncovering any inappropriate conduct.

Inform us if you suspect something is not right